Hope. An Address by Christine Levy

Hope can be a lovely way to be in life.

How can we find hope, through uncertainty, and loss?

In hope, we can find inspiration in the words and deeds of others.

Hope takes many forms: it can be like an open road, an unturned page, a long-lost glove that returns to its owner.

It’s a feelingof something that needs developing, so it can be optimised.

Coupled with faith, hope assists with the growth of spiritual development.

Hope can also foster determination, despite failures and setbacks. Being hopeful each day will help to change and improve what can’t be controlled.

Hope will speak to the soul to form an inner resilience, to strengthen a better mindset and behaviour.

Hope is a Thing with Feathers by Emily Dickinson

Hope is the thing with feathers,
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all.

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I’ve heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity;
It asked a crumb of me.

Emily Dickinson was one of the original poets, who challenged the definitions of poetry, like Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Hope to me is like an inner desire which grows an idea, or an inspiration, or optimism that something will happen.

The above poem to me signifies something that’s free and flowing, just like the inner parts of our soul, you hear it calling, if you just listen.

To pause and listen that means listening within.

Words and deeds are very powerful don’t you think?

A person can be inspired by word, it could be a little door, called willingness, it can also unlock a key for that person so that they can grow; for me this is kindness for others.

A word on the other hand can also have a lasting effect, whereby it can leave you upset or hurt.

Words and deeds are very profound don’t you think?

An action can have a rippling effect, this can be good or bad.

In Buddhism, it’s called Karma.

It’s like a drop of water that can ripple outwards.

Cause and effect, when used wisely, can be very enlightening, it can help identify causes to a problem, that means problems can be solved, or explored.

There was a technique developed by Professor Ishikawa, developed in the 1960s called cause and effect analysis.

On the left side on a piece of paper he talked about writing something down, so you can see the problem written.

And the right-side of the paper can be used to brainstorm facts.  This helps to keep emotions, out and a focus on the difficulty.

I always believe never do anything angry PAUSE for a moment.

Pausing, or reviewing, helps the inner inspiration to grow, instead of moaning about a situation or circumstance, pause and let it flow.

Situations can sometimes be hard to deal with, due to a painful experiences. By accepting, just for now, it lets kindness in.

Pausing, lets optimism in.

It leaves the door open to faith and hope.

A lovely way to start the beginning and end of the day is in gratitude.

The Sixth Principle is Compensation and Retribution Hereafter for all the Good and Evil Deeds Done on Earth. It states that we reap what we sow.

It means there is a better understanding that can be developed, no judgement and no blame, just kindness.

This is spiritual progression, being kinder to self-enhances a closer connection to god, or even that god part of yourself. 

Kindness will acknowledge a new way; past errors can now be explored in a better way.

Kindness brings power, which then brings opportunity and that’s love in its highest form.

We as individuals are accountable for our actions.

If given a chance we re-evaluate our behaviours, we can progress. This will open the door to spiritual progress.

Use kindness to every situation, our thoughts are actions, and mistakes happen. It’s how we grow from it.

If we are given opportunities of reviewing challenges why not embrace it.

If we do things long enough better behaviours happen.

If I can leave you with one thought for today, let kindness in to self so that it can be given to others.

Why not try a new hope, find gratitude before you go to bed and when you wake up.

Explore what you are thankful for, that itself is HOPE.